ग्राम पंचायत प्रशासनिक प्रणाली
ग्राम पंचायत प्रशासनिक प्रणाली
E-DistrictNICT-CSC केन्द्रों पर नागरिकों को जन्म प्रमाण पत्र, मृत्यु प्रमाण पत्र, विवाह प्रमाण पत्र, की सुविधा उपलब्ध है |
Madhya Pradesh Government has chosen five districts to implement the pilot e-District project and provide integrated citizen centric services in the district. The identified districts are:
- Guna
- Gwalior
- Indore
- Sagar
- Shivpuri
The main purpose of the e-district project is to computerize the workflow system and internal processes of the district administration of the pilot districts with the help of Information & Communications Technologies (ICT). The state envisages meeting the following objectives with the implementation of e Districts project :
- Implementation of an efficient electronic workflow system for District Administration
- To create an efficient IT enabled delivery mechanism for citizen services / information being delivered from District Administration and its subordinate offices
- Infusion of transparency and accountability in operations
- Reduction of workload of department personnel